STUDENTS at a secondary school are having to work from home and a "significant" number are in self-isolation after pupils tested positive for coronavirus.

Clacton Coastal Academy, in Pathfields Road, Clacton, has recorded at least nine positive cases of Covid-19 within its Year 9 X Band.

In a letter seen by the Gazette, headteacher David Lees also confirmed a large number of students were now in quarantine after coming into contact with a positive pupil.

As a result of the mini outbreak, which parents and carers were only made aware of on Sunday, all students in X Band Year 9 will be put on a remote learning programme.

Any student who does not have access to the required electronic equipment will be able to borrow it from the school.

It is hoped the large number of home-learners will be able to safely return to the school following the Easter holidays.

All students identified as having to self-isolate will be asked to stay home until Friday April 2.

Mr Lees said: "I want to stress again that the safety of our students, families and staff will always be our number one priority, and I understand how worrying this news will be. 

"This will not impact any other students, and students in the Year 9 Y band and all other year groups should attend the Academy as normal.

"We will keep you updated and informed on any further developments.

"However, as all our phases have been attending in separate phase zones with minimal contact between the phase bubbles, other year groups should not be affected."

A spokeswoman from Clacton Coastal Academy added: “We have written to all parents and carers at Clacton Coastal Academy to confirm that we have a number of positive cases at the academy, with one half of Year 9 having tested positive for Covid-19. 

“As a result of the increase in cases and to limit the transmission of Covid-19 in the X Band of Year 9, we are therefore moving all students in the X Band of Year 9 on to our CCA Virtual Learning Programme from today.

"This means that their learning will continue, but they will be taught remotely whilst working at home for the next five days.  

“In addition to this we have ensured that all students isolating have a device and internet access so that they can access their lessons remotely. 

“A deep clean of the zone and classrooms that the students have been based in, is also taking place as a further precautionary measure

“In the meantime, we will work closely with students and parents/carers to ensure that we continue to provide our excellent virtual learning offer to all students learning from home.”