A VILLAGE pub has been shut down for flouting coronavirus regulations.

Colchester Council’s licensing sub-committee revoked the licence of The Anchor, in Station Road, Tiptree, at the request of Essex Police.

At a meeting on Tuesday, the committee discussed evidence submitted by licensing officer Alan Beckett.

The evidence, which councillor Tim Young described as “very clear and very stark”, set out a number of breaches of coronavirus regulations at the premises.

Premises supervisor and then licensee Anthony Parker was first warned for not displaying his licence in the pub in July.

When officers visited on August 1 they found about 70 customers inside not following social distancing guidelines.

The pub was issued with a Community Protection Notice and it was found there was no Covid risk assessment in place.

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On December 18 officers attended the premises again and found a “lock in” taking place.

A closure notice was issued three days later, but the first day the pub was allowed to reopen, December 23, police had to disperse two of customers.

Neither Mr Parker nor pub owner Kaye Murphy attended the hearing on Tuesday.

Chairman Dave Harris said after the meeting the decision sent a strong message to establishments in the borough caught flouting the guidelines.

Cllr Dave Harris near the junction of Gurdon Road/Harrison Rd, Colchester, where a number of cars had tyres slashed by vandals.


  • Dave Harris chaired the meeting of the licensing sub-committee

He said: “We studied all of the evidence including video footage.

"There was no defence offered so we didn't really have any other option but to revoke.

“This sends out a strong message to other venues we won’t tolerate the rules being ignored.

“There are so many brilliant pubs and bars in Colchester who have done everything they can to meet the guidelines and others like this are giving them a bad name."

A separate hearing will be held today after a request transfer the licence to Ms Murphy.

Essex Police have objected to the move and the committee will hear evidence before making a decision on whether the licence can be transferred.