I WROTE a tongue-in-cheek letter a year ago about how the green fanatics would still be worried about fantasy nonsense, like climate change, even with the situation of a real serious problem existing.

And sure enough exactly what I wrote has come true.

My comments about economic collapse and mass unemployment were dismissed as silly.

I don’t think I was far out and the worst is still to come.

In your comment (Gazette, March 1, “One year on and still so much unknown”) you write: “And suddenly we are back again as we were last March walking into oblivion and really having no idea what is to come.”

Anyone who takes an interest in these things knew a pandemic was the most likely real emergency we would have to face.

But the problem with pandemics is they are not able to be used for manipulation of the public until they happen.


Global warming/climate change nonsense can be used against so many situations, it’s a gift that keeps on giving.

It doesn’t matter how many predictions you make that turn out to be totally wrong, you can sail on to make more nonsense predictions because so many people believe the concept that effectively they have been brainwashed.

People who take things seriously know that pandemics were always the top concern in government disaster planning, but even they were brainwashed by the sexiness of global warming/climate change, which was why they were totally unprepared for what happened.

Anyone who thinks we can beat a virus which can evolve all the time really needs to think about what they are expecting and how achievable it is.

I personally think the world as we knew it is not coming back and a new normal will emerge.

Not one I want or desire, I’m sure.

John Birch

Colchester Road, West Bergholt