TODAY (February 2) marks the quirky tradition of Groundhog Day.

The annual ritual is held at Gobbler’s Knob, Pennsylvania, to see if a famous groundhog will emerge from his burrow and portend the end of winter.

The event was made famous in the 1993 comedy film of the same name.

In the film, weather man Phil, played by Bill Murray, find he’s stuck in the same day again and again.

With all of us stuck in lockdown for the past year, we can probably sympathise.

So we’re asking readers: What do you do to keep things interesting so every day doesn’t feel the same?

Maybe it’s watching a new film every day, or cooking an experimental dish, or maybe it’s taking up a new hobby or skill?

Let us know how you get away from your personal ‘Groundhog Day’ by getting in touch or commenting below.