POLICE officers will be holding a virtual Q&A event later this evening during which they will strive to answer any questions relating to policing in Tendring.

Essex Police Tendring is hosting an online Facebook question and answer session featuring the Harwich community policing team sergeant.

The force’s community safety and engagement officer will also take part in the event, which is designed to build on the relationship between residents and the police.

The digital meet-and-greet will also provide a platform from which officers can look to answer any questions in relation to diversity, equality, and inclusion.

A spokesman for Essex Police Tendring added: “This is an integral and explicit part of how we deliver the force plan and achieve the police and crime plan priorities, underpinned by the College of Policing Code of Ethics.”

The Q&A will take place from 6pm until 7pm and can be accessed via the Essex Police Tendring Facebook page.

To find out more visit facebook.com/EPTendring.