EAGLE-eyed police officers spotted an unusual worker while they were on patrol in Colchester.

Members of Essex Police’s Colchester team were going cuckoo after spotting a man holding a large bird of prey in the middle of a residential area.

The unusual sight “beaked” their interest as it wasn’t one of the usual swan trouble makers from the River Colne in Castle Park.

A spokesman for Essex Police said: “They fell prey to their curiosity and couldn’t resist having a bit of a gander at this "owlsome" Harris Hawk who was called Alice.

“Alice is used for bird control to scare away pigeons.

“Fortunately on this occasion there was no fowl play.”

Alice, who is a Harris hawk, is used to keep pigeons under control in Colchester and is a frequent sight in the Severalls Industrial Estate area.

Picture: Essex Police Colchester

Picture: Essex Police Colchester

  • Alice the Harris Hawk keeps pigeons under control in Colchester

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