THE Range has launched its Halloween range with truly terrifying and spooky products starting from 49p.

Featuring dachshund skeletons and creepy eyeball lights, as well as fully animated hanging ghouls and reapers, the chain promises some devilish offers.

Here is a run down of some of their Halloween range:

  • This decorative Halloween Skeleton Candle Holder will be sure to guide the way for your guests this Halloween.

Gazette:  This decorative Halloween Skeleton Candle Holderwill illuminate your home on a spooky night This decorative Halloween Skeleton Candle Holderwill illuminate your home on a spooky night

At £9.99, you’ll be creating an eerie Dracula’s castle feel in your home at an affordable cost. 

  • This Halloween LED Dog Outdoor Statue is perfect for decorating your
    front step or your back garden.

Gazette: Complete with creepy, glowing eyes, this light up statue has a waterproof battery boxComplete with creepy, glowing eyes, this light up statue has a waterproof battery box

Complete with creepy, glowing eyes, this light up statue has a
waterproof battery box so you can be sure it continues to terrify no matter the weather at £13.99.

  • Double, double toil and trouble; fire burn and cauldron bubble... an animated witch with cauldron.

Gazette: This Animated Witch with Cauldron has colour-changing LEDsThis Animated Witch with Cauldron has colour-changing LEDs

With colour-changing LEDs and a spooky voice to really terrify those that come near her, the cost is only £14.99.

  • Looking for a super child-friendly alternative? Look no further than the Halloween Witch Inflatable Arch.

Gazette:  there will be no guessing which event you're celebrating with the Halloween Witch Inflatable Arch there will be no guessing which event you're celebrating with the Halloween Witch Inflatable Arch

Featuring light-up and moving elements, you're sure to have the most impressive haunted house in the street – now available for £79.99.

For the full Halloween range, visit