PLANS to create 18 new homes on a field in a village have been unveiled.

Charterfield Homes has applied for planning permission from Colchester Council to create the new estate on Treble Tile Field, West Bergholt, which borders West Bergholt Cricket Club.

The new homes will be a mix of one, two and three-bed properties, with five of the houses set to be affordable.

The estate will be made up of bungalows, terraces, semis and detached houses, whilst access to the new estate will be provided from Colchester Road.

A planning statement reads: “This site is critical to the successful delivery of the aims and objectives of the Neighbourhood Plan for West Bergholt.

“It forms a vital element of the five-year housing supply for the village and wider borough as a whole.

“The land owner is committed to bringing forward a high quality development which is demonstrated through the quality of indicative scheme and level of detail in the submitted design and access statement.”

The site forms part of a wider area which has been designated for new houses in the West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan, which has been created by the parish council and residents to shape development in the village.

The developer says a public consultation was set to take place before the application was submitted, but had to be cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Further consultation with residents will take place before a reserved matters application is submitted.

The report added: “The applicants are committed to working with officers and stakeholders throughout the determination process.”