MY friend Loraine Davis is, in her own words, a “get it done girl”.

This can make her a little scary on occasions but, actually, she is one of those people you so want in your camp.

So here are a few timely words for the days we currently live in.

There are some inspiring stories around at the moment.

I’m excited by the surge of volunteers who are willing to put themselves to one side to help others.

I’m inspired by the innovative small business owners who have found themselves without an income and changed their focus overnight to meet urgent customer needs.

I’m challenged by the entrepreneurs who are offering free advice and help to anyone who asks.

I’m moved by the way friends, families and neighbourhoods are supporting and spurring each other on.

And I’m encouraged that, right now, the workers who really matter are the men and women who are willingly working hard to serve every one of us.

The low paid - often undervalued and hard pressed - workers such as our nurses, bin men and delivery drivers.

Meanwhile, the ones who are falling below the standard and failing to meet our expectations (and whose companies we will definitely embargo in future) are the billionaires hanging their staff out to dry, despite having vast personal fortunes they could use to see their people through this crisis.

We are increasingly recognising not just our need for each other but also our need to invest the best of ourselves in order to experience a better way of living together.

A way that places increased importance on kindness, justice and humility. As a Christian, I am convinced that god is working hard in this crisis to bring everything together for our good.

And, whether you have a faith, have no faith or just haven’t given faith any thought, I hope we can agree that in the middle of all of this we have been shown another better way to live together and have embraced the opportunity to live differently.

I’m excited to see how everything we build now is going to strengthen our future as a kind, just and respectful community.

Micah 6:8 is a prophet writing in the Old Testament of the bible who says “He has as shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with your God”.

Great words in times such as this.