FED up of being fed up?

No such self-indulgent thoughts for our local hero Marjorie West, holder of the Chevalier in the Legion d’Honneur, while doing her 200 laps of her Dedham garden to raise funds for the NHS.

Contrast that with the monotonous soundings from those who have been given TV space by the national media, especially the BBC, whining about the lockdown preventing them from a visit to the nail bar, hairdresser or tattoo parlour.

We have all had to make sacrifices during the crisis but we don’t keep going on about inconveniences of life.

Am I fed up, well yes, having to endure the leaders of the teaching unions, supported by the TUC and BMA who may be considered intelligent but lack the common sense to knuckle down and find a way around the re-establishment of our schools.

All they can do is obstruct the political will to recommence education rather than put their mind to a solution.

How about cancelling the summer school holiday period for this year, thought not!

Meanwhile, I pay homage not only to Marjorie but to all those suppliers who with the prospect of having to close their business for good have quickly turned a problem into a solution by going out to the general public and carrying out delivery services where few existed before.

No sitting back and moaning for them, teachers take note.

Stephen Scrase, Wakes Colne