I AM disabled and use a Class 2 mobility scooter to get around.

In order to get to the Hythe Tesco supermarket and back, I have to use Avon Way and cross St Andrews Avenue on an unguarded zebra crossing.

On three occasions in the past fortnight while riding my scooter on the way back from Tesco I have come within inches of being knocked down by vehicles on the outside lane whose drivers ignore the prohibition of overtaking within the confines of the zebra crossing.

There is usually a queue of cars coming from the university direction on the inside lane waiting to turn left into the Elmstead Road or the Greenstead Road and this tends to mask the presence of pedestrians who have started crossing.

To obviate the risk of a serious accident occurring, I suggested to my county councillor, John Baker, that the time has come for this zebra crossing to be guarded by traffic lights, as is the case on the Elmstead Road segment which leads on to the Tesco roundabout.

He has been told requests such as these are dealt with by the Local Highways Panel.

In order for us to investigate the possibility of the scheme, I, through Cllr Baker, will need to submit an request form, with residential support attached, for the county council officers to order any surveys.

Although in many respects this is a bureaucratic nonsense in that the county council has a responsibility for road safety and the matter should be taken up directly by the department.

The county council would have great difficulty in avoiding liability for negligence in the event of injury or fatality on this crossing in now that the problem has been brought to it attention.

Nevertheless, if this is the only way in which the matter can be progressed, may I ask, through your letter pages, that if any of your readers has had or is experiencing problems with this crossing, would they be kind enough to pass on any information which could be used by way of support.

R.E.E Edwards

Cardinal Close, Colchester