Manningtree Labour Party branch was formed just over a year ago and since that time we have held several public meetings and campaigning events concerning local issues.

We are proud to be fielding three excellent candidates for the forthcoming district elections on May 2.

Between them, our candidates share a wealth of relevant knowledge and experience both in their fields of work and in their extensive voluntary work in the area.

We were thus saddened that when their candidatures were confirmed, a politician from a different party questioned the suitability of one of our candidates to fulfil the role of a councillor due to the fact she is a working mother of two children.

We are certain that a male candidate, who also happened to be a parent, would not have been subject to such condescending disparagement.

We were not aware that being a mother was a disqualification from serving the community.

The candidate in question, Holly Turner, has formed and led the non-party political Save the Library campaign and has aptly demonstrated the energy, commitment and expertise that we would want from a district councillor.

Furthermore, our prospective councillors have a thriving branch behind them and, if elected, they will be supported to the hilt in their work for local people and services.

We trust voters will reject 19th century ideas about the role of women and mothers.

We urge them to elect councillors who represent the diversity of our constituency and will work effectively for them.

Dr Jim English,

Chair of Manningtree Labour Party Branch