Jamie Legg (Gazette Letters March 6) makes a fair point about Community Speedwatch but – as he accelerated to 40mph – probably for the wrong reason.

Speedwatch is officialdom’s sop to people who have a real worry about speeding vehicles on the roads near their home.

Inappropriate speed is serious. Speed kills; speed terrorises; speed frightens people off healthful cycling and walking as part of their daily lives.

Imagine the Sir Humphrey who came up with the Speedwatch idea: "Give them yellow jackets and a hairdryer, Bernard...and make them feel like they're doing something!"

At a time when the figure for non-driving casualties is stubbornly refusing to go down, we need action that will have more effect, including area-wide 20mph limits where people live.

We need proper speed enforcement by properly appointed officials who should be allowed to hide behind parked cars and trees – and not have to wear ridiculous “now you see me” yellow jackets.

"Ah but we need to educate drivers, not punish them," says Sir Humphrey. "Three strikes and they're fined just for that third offence is only fair."

What nonsense! These drivers pass a test to gain a licence. If they hit a child or older person, they don’t get a second or third chance.

By now, everyone must know that speeding is a crime, especially those who hate speed cameras with such passion.

Carry on speedwatchers but please don’t be satisfied merely with what the Sir Humphreys in Whitehall and County Hall allow you to do.

Together we must step up and press for robust action to keep our communities safe from the selfish, self-congratulatory Mr Toads such as Mr Legg.

Will Bramhill


Mile End Road, Colchester