I WISH to add my name to the many who are pleading with Essex County Council to keep Prettygate Library open.

Libraries need investment to function well and serve their communities whether it be with reading material or IT facilities (remember that not everyone has access to a computer at home), and the people within those communities need places to be able to meet, chat with others, space to sit down to read and, yes, to borrow books/audio books/CDs etc.

READ MORE: A third of the county's libraries could shut, saving £2m

Prettygate Library is in an ideal location near shops, schools and nearby bus stops plus a car park on its doorstep.

Please Essex County Council, do not discriminate against all those who rely on this most valuable and essential service.

READ MORE: MP’s plea to save vital town library

Keep this library open and increase the opening hours so more people can use it.

Audrey Parker
Barbour Gardens, Colchester