SECURITY in Canvey needs to be improved but a private security firm is not the answer, according to a report from Castle Point Council.

Residents have complained anti-social behaviour and lower level crime is starting to spiral out on control.

A motion was submitted to hire private security for the island but this is likely to be dismissed although a range of other measures are being considered.

These could include increased CCTV and, possibly, a special security squad to cover Halloween and Bonfire Night, for example.

The report states a full time team would cost about £20 per hour per person.

In September, a motion was put forward which read: “With the ever present anti-social behaviour throughout the borough, due to the apparent lack of sufficient police resources, this council must act on behalf of our residents affected by this poor behaviour.

“To explore the use of private security in areas to be identified by residents, and with the assistance of Essex Police, discourage any such antisocial behaviour."

But in the officer’s report ahead of next Wednesday’s cabinet meeting, officers stated any action needs to be “proportionate to the problem”.

Canvey Town Council has already agreed £5,000 of funding for five community special constables to patrol the streets.

But councillors and residents called on Castle Point Council to fund a private team in response to a number of recent incidents, including chaos surround fireworks night when a large dispersal order was put in place.

The report said: “Such behaviour will not be addressed by enhanced security patrols but rather by improved security measures.

“The Motion referred to cabinet does not appear to limit the areas to council owned land and assets.

“It is not the council’s responsibility to employ private security to patrol the borough’s streets, parks and open spaces to deter antisocial behaviour.

That is a police responsibility. It is also the responsibility of individual owners and occupiers of private land and buildings to take responsibility to protect and secure their own land and assets.”

“As described a range of measures not just the use of private security are used to control anti-social behaviour. There are times throughout the year where an increase in anti-social behaviours occurs.

“Halloween and Fireworks are recent examples and targeted action is appropriate to address this.

“It would not be proportionate to engage full time security guards to patrol throughout the borough given the current cost of security.