A CAMPAIGNER is calling for urgent action to be taken on a "dangerous" slip road near East Bergholt.

Carrianne Rayner has launched a petition to Highways England to improve the junction 31 on the A12 known as the Four Sisters.

She said she is spearheading the campaign as there have been multiple car accidents on the slip road leading onto the A12.

The petition has already collected nearly 600 signatures online.

Carrianne said: "Most local people avoid the junction altogether as they are too nervous to use it.

"We have a good school in East Bergholt and buses bring children from surrounding areas, but it is a nightmare for the buses to use the junction."

"From what I have heard there are no plans to improve the junction until 2020 to 2025, but how many lives will be lost before then?

"We need to do something urgently.

"This is why I started the petition, hopefully to raise awareness and get priority."