A DRAMATIC drop in amputations at a diabetes foot clinic has been put down to a recent redesign at the centre.

The clinic, which previously had one of the highest rates in England for amputations, has also been commended at the national Quality in Care Awards for prevention and early diagnosis.

The inpatient service of the North East Essex Diabetes Foot Pathway is run from Colchester Hospital whilst community clinics are based in Clacton and Harwich.

The changes mean patients are now assessed for urgency and are given information about self-care, freeing up specialists to treat the most urgent cases.

Patricia Jacques, from Colchester, is a full-time carer for her husband Christopher, who has been using the service for the past five years and has experienced the changes first-hand.

Mrs Jacques said: "The changes have meant that Christopher is seen much quicker by the podiatry team, we now have a routine monthly appointment in place.

"These regular appointments have reduced the need for emergency appointments.

"Without the support of the podiatry team my husband would have probably lost his foot."

Before the restructuring of the clinic, diabetes foot services in North East Essex were overstretched and patient waiting times was high.

The new, redesigned service saw reduced waiting times, with patients being seen and assessed by competent staff with appropriate referrals to specialist clinics.

Visit www.qualityincare.org for more information.