A TRUST is testing plans to close one of its schools up to 15 minutes early.

The Connected Learning Multi Academy Trust is in charge of five schools including Iceni Academy and Cherry Tree Primary School in Colchester.

It has arranged for Cherry Tree Primary School to finish 15 minutes early so teachers who work across a number of schools can get from one place to the next on time.

The school currently finishes at 3.15pm, with plans saying it will close at 3pm from September.

The move will be reviewed after six months.

Parent Gary Howard said not enough consideration had been given to parents’ concerns.

Rowland Costin, chair of the board of trustees, said: “Everything we do is for the benefit of the children.

“The change in school day is being implemented to standardise working patterns across the Trust schools, as many staff move between our schools.

“The changes we are making will enable us to deliver a more cohesive and high standard of teaching across all our schools.”