AN idea to run a shuttle bus from Colchester’s new park and ride car park to the town’s main hospital has been shot down.

Colchester Council’s Conservative group made the suggestion during a debate at a full council meeting, but were outvoted.

They called for Colchester Council to request Essex County Council carry out a feasibility study of using a section of the car park as off-site parking for the hospital with a jointly-financed shuttle bus.

The point was an amendment toamotion put forward by Martin Goss, Lib Dem councillor for Mile End, who has been campaigning for an extra park and ride stop at the hospital.

Mr Goss rejected the amendment, saying it would cost more money.

Councillors then they continued to debate the original motion, which was to call Rodney Bass, responsible for highways at Essex County Council, to add a stop at the hospital, to introduce family friendly pricing and to increase operating hours.

This was passed by a named vote with 31 votes for and 15 abstentions.