HAS the Human Shrub returned?

When Dave Harris, Colchester councillor for Berechurch, picked up his mail from Colchester Town Hall, he was unsettled by a large, dirty envelope which had been delivered by hand and appeared to have been trodden on.

But when he opened it, the Colchester in Bloom member found a letter addressed to him by the Human Shrub and about 30 packets of seeds, which are thought to have cost about £70.

The letter read: “Please help these flowers, grown with Pam Schomberg and friends. Keep Colchester blooming.”

The Human Shrub became a thorn in the side of Colchester Council in 2009 when he objected to plans by the council to remove shrubs from around the town to save money.

The eco warrior won national recognition with a number of stunts and, with the public outcry, persuaded Colchester Council to think again.

Mr Harris has pledged to distribute the seeds to schools across the borough as part of the launch of Schools in Bloom.

He said: “Just like the Shrub told me, I’m going to o keep Colchester blooming.

“I think it’s wonderful what this person is doing and, seemingly, not expecting anything in return.”