A ONE-STOP shop for people with life-limiting illness could be set up for north Essex.

St Helena Hospice, working with the North East Essex Clinical Commissioning Group and with other local health providers, hopes to introduce a new service for patients, carers and families and professionals.

The service, which will cover North East Essex and parts of mid-Essex, will include a single phone number anyone can call at anytime if they need advice or support for a patient who is thought to be in their last year of life or has specialist palliative care needs.

It is hoped the service will mean patients who can currently be overwhelmed with contacts in different areas will have a less stressful experience.

  • A short online survey gauging opinion about the service is available on the news section of the St Helena Hospice website.
  • Questions can be emailed to patient@sthelenahospice.org.uk with the subject title “New service question”.
  • Jobs will be created at the hospice, and to find out more about these and application forms visit the website or call 01206 845566.