COLCHESTER butchers are making record sales because of a nationwide meat scandal, according to the town’s longest standing meat men.

Customers are flocking to their local butchers for their meat instead of going to large supermarket chains after widespread tests found their beef contained traces of horse meat.


Many supermarkets have now cleared their shelves of any meat which could have horse meat in it.

John Coleman, who runs Coleman’s Butchers, in Langham Road, Boxted, said last weekend was his busiest ever.

“I’ve been doing this job for 46 years and this is the first bit of good news butchers have had in years,” said Mr Coleman, 67.

He added: “I am easily selling an extra 50kg a day in the store and at the market in Sudbury.

“At the market we are coming out easily £2,000 up on what we would usually take and about £1,000 in the shop.

“Everything is coming back in our favour at long last. I think people have woken up to the fact they are being conned.”