February sees Chigwell School’s Drama Department collaborating with Music Department. Introducing a brand-new whole school musical – “Made in Dagenham”. The musical is scheduled to be performed on 27th – 29th of June, in the Chigwell School Drama Centre.


“Made in Dagenham” at Chigwell will be a full-scale, inclusive production which embrace young actors, actresses and musicians from a wide range of year groups. From Year 7 all the way to Year 13.


“For Year 13, this will be a great chance to end you time at Chigwell with a bang, and for younger years a time to experience the stage.” All students are warmly welcomed by Miss Parkinson, who strongly insist everyone who is interested to put themselves forward and make the most out of this golden opportunity.


The auditions for this extraordinary musical have already begun, and there have been a pleasant number of students putting themselves forward. “Made in Dagenham” also sees various opportunities for pupils to take part behind the stage. With a variety of choice from lighting, costume, hair, and makeup. There will also be a chance for the young musicians to participate in the band.


“I have not seen such a big-scale event for a long time.” Said Manraj, a Drama Scholarship holder currently in Year 12. “I think this is a great chance for students to come together and put up something together. Besides, it is always nice to getting to know different people across the school.”