A HEROIC police officer who saved a schoolgirl’s life when he broke her fall as she plunged from a bridge has received a prestigious award.

Off-duty PC Sam Owen intervened in October last year when he was told a 14-year-old was standing on the edge of a bridge over the A12.

The officer, who himself has two young daughters, rushed to the scene and engaged with the girl who was highly distressed.

Another off-duty officer happened to be passing as he was driving home and also stopped to assist.

Gazette: Recognition - Colchester officer PC Owen was given the award for saving a teenage girl's lifeRecognition - Colchester officer PC Owen was given the award for saving a teenage girl's life (Image: Newsquest)

By this time, Essex Police had halted traffic on one side of the A12 whilst the girl was hanging from the bridge.

An officer then ran onto the other side of the road to stop oncoming traffic and talk to the girl whilst PC Owen stood directly underneath the bridge, trying to reassure her.

Other officers arrived at the scene to help manage the situation and one of them climbed over the barrier of the bridge to speak with the girl.

Despite the officer’s best attempts to persuade the girl to move away from the edge of the bridge, she suddenly fell.

PC Owen was still underneath her on the road and as the girl fell he moved to make an attempt to soften her landing.

He tried to catch her and was successful in breaking the girl’s fall, which prevented her upper body and head hitting the ground.

PC Owen and his colleagues immediately started administering first aid, and although the girl suffered some broken bones, PC Owen’s actions saved her life.

Essex Police have now awarded PC Owen with the federation’s bravery award

He said: “I’ve got two young daughters myself, both under four, so it hit home really.

“It just looked like we were running out of time to try and stop her.

Gazette: Emergency - traffic was stopped on both sides of the A12 whilst PC Owen and several other officers intervenedEmergency - traffic was stopped on both sides of the A12 whilst PC Owen and several other officers intervened (Image: Google Street View)

“We were all desperate to help her, and we were desperate to try and save her, but at the same time she looked in a desperate situation herself.”

On winning the award, he said: “It’s obviously a really proud moment for me and my family.

“You always hear in the mainstream media and elsewhere about the negative stuff around the police and the public’s feelings about us at times.

“It does get disheartening, but it’s nice to be recognised.”