According to your report, our MP, James Cleverly, has ‘encouraged residents to contact him directly’ with any concerns they may have about crime in the Braintree constituency.

But what would be the point? Mr Cleverly already knows about the many serious crimes that have been reported in your newspaper and he must be aware that many people have already written to him expressing their concerns.

Indeed, some of those people are still waiting for a response after many months.

Mr Cleverly supported the closure of police stations, turning off streetlights at night, the loss of nearly all our PCSOs and severe reductions in police numbers.

He has done nothing to fight for the necessary resources to combat crime in our area, either locally or in Parliament.

Mr Cleverly is unwilling to treat this issue with the seriousness that it warrants.

When will Mr Cleverly start supporting the people he was elected to serve?

By Malcolm Fincken of Knowles Close, Halstead.