THERE have been many comments over recent weeks about further delays to any potential changes to traffic management in Colchester town centre and, in particular, in High Street.

Objections already submitted to the published proposals mean there would have to be a prolonged and expensive inquiry before any permanent changes (such as restricting private and commercial vehicles from High Street during the working day) could be introduced on a permanent basis.

It is clear there are many different views on the causes of traffic congestion in the town – and probably an even larger number of suggested remedies!

All are, of course, based on expectation of what might happen, without the certainty of experience.

I have, therefore, asked my Essex County Council colleague Derrick Louis (councillor responsible for highways and transportation) to consider introducing a temporary scheme, in order to assess what actually results.

This can be done quickly and does not require a verbal/ written inquiry, since it can be evaluated through its own outcomes.

Such a scheme could be for, say, six or even three months – with the opportunity to make variations within such a period if appropriate.

For example, there could be a period with, and another without, delivery vehicles being included in any ban, or the time frame of restrictions could be extended or reduced according to the impact of a trial.

Following the consultation which Essex County Council has carried out on the proposals, Derrick Louis has agreed to discuss with highways officers not only the concerns expressed by businesses and individuals, but also the idea of having a trial scheme of the kind I have suggested. If they are able to do this, I hope all concerned will be willing to collaborate with such an experiment, in the hope we can then arrive at a successful traffic scheme which will bring benefits to Colchester’s residents, businesses and visitors.

At least we shall have some firm evidence on which to base any permanent decisions.


County councillor for the Drury division

Inglis Road
