CONGESTION is one of Colchester’s biggest issues because it affects everyone who lives or works here.

A bit of wet weather or one small accident on the other side of town seems to grind things to a near-halt, leaving motorists desperate to get to their office or home to loved ones evermore frustrated.

So the fact experts predict our roads could see a 40 per cent increase in the number of vehicles travelling on them by 2032 is concerning.

Of course, houses must be built here to meet national targets but the roads cannot continue to be neglected.

Highways bosses are starting schemes at Colne Bank Avenue which seems to have worked well since it was finally completed and in Ipswich and Harwich roads.

And expansion plans for the A12 and the A120 do seem like they have legs this time around.

The confusing layout of St Botolph’s roundabout could also be set for a shake-up to try to get Colchester moving better.

But it will only be a start.

Of course, there is no way of ripping up the road network and starting again although many would advocate it.

Ideally, more people would use public transport but the majority are set in their ways of using a car which they believe is the most convenient way of getting around for them.

Junction improvements are a good start, there is no doubt about it.

But it is time for road bosses to really prove their worth.

Think outside the box, be bold and design a road network ready for 21st century Colchester.