Saunders Valves in Cwmbran has committed to a litter-free future as the latest organisation to join the Litter Free Zone scheme.

In celebration, employees held a litter pick along Grange Road earlier this week.

The team will now patrol the area and parkland along Llanfrechfa Way every two weeks to keep it clean.

Alicia Newman from Crane ChemPharma and Energy, the company which owns the factory, said: "'As a business we are always looking at ways to give back to the community, promote sustainability and help create a greener environment, particularly in the spaces surrounding our new facility.

"We also value the importance of employee wellbeing.

"Being out in the fresh air and interacting with colleagues that you may not normally spend time with is a great way of building relationships and giving your mind a rest from your day-to-day work."

Saunders Valves represents the second business in Torfaen to register as a Litter Free Zone.

The project is run by Keep Wales Tidy and Torfaen Council.

Fox Group, as well as several primary schools and the council's Celt Plus team, are also part of the movement.

Councillor Mandy Owen, Torfaen's executive member for the environment, said: "Litter harms the environment and has a negative effect on how people feel about their communities.

"Having businesses, schools and organisations join us in the fight against litter in their local areas is beneficial for everyone."

The scheme is providing resources to help businesses publicise their dedication to tackling litter while maintaining a map of Litter Free Zones.

The council views litter reduction as vital in meeting climate and ecological emergencies and improving the local environment.

Oliver James, Torfaen Council's litter and fly-tipping officer, can guide businesses interested in registering via