COLCHESTER MP Will Quince has vowed to continue pushing for police investment to tackle the “misery” of gang activity in Essex.

Mr Quince made the statement to the Gazette after a second man was charged for drug dealing in Colchester.

He also spoke out after Colchester was left reeling from three deaths in four days.

He said: “These tragic deaths act as reminders that drugs are dangerous and can be fatal.

"People need to know buying and taking illegal drugs is not victimless, it fuels criminal gang activity and the intimidation and violence that comes with it.

“Although we have record police numbers in Essex, I will continue to work with the government to call for increased investment to tackle the gangs that bring this misery to our county.”

Gazette: Worry - Natalie Sommers, Colchester councillor responsible for communities, offered her condolences to those involved Worry - Natalie Sommers, Colchester councillor responsible for communities, offered her condolences to those involved (Image: Newsquest)
Natalie Sommers, Colchester councillor responsible for communities, offered her condolences to those involved and said the authority was sharing the message about the dangers of drugs more widely.

She said: “Working with the Colchester Safety Delivery Board, a drug alert leaflet has been produced and I have asked all councillors to share with their networks.

“I am pleased the police have moved quickly and arrested and charged two people for drug dealing offences and I ask anyone with relevant information to contact the police or crime stoppers in the hope that we can prevent any more deaths.”